Protect Your Electronic Data from Physical Elements

Posted on April 14, 2012 at 3:54 pm by Amber Hemmer

People often worry about the safety and security of their computers in case they were to encounter a virus, malware or a computer malfunction. What exactly would happen to your personal or business files? Would you be able to get them back?

With these worries in mind, the average computer user has either turned to using a media storage website or using removable media, such as writable disks, USB drives or external hard drives. But with the recent shutdown of some large media storage websites, users have unexpectedly lost their precious information.

So the easiest, smartest option would be to turn to removable media storage. But, exactly what is the safest way to protect those special pictures and files?

The answer may be the new ioSafe Solo G3 external hard drive. Not only does this new device allow you to back up and store your files, but it also protects against physical elements, such as fire and flood, and boasts several impressive hardware specifications.

This cool-looking device is built to work fast and quietly. It connects via USB 3.0 and has no fans, enabling the silent operation. The ioSafe Solo G3 can be purchased with between 1 TB and 3 TB of storage, giving even the most advanced user generous storage options.

Even though it works fast, runs quietly and can protect against several electronic and physical threats, the ioSafe Solo G3 does have a few questionable specifications. First, and maybe not so important to some people, the device weighs about 15 pounds. That’s kind of bulky!

Second, and most important, the device only contains one drive. This brings us back to the original problem of device failure. What happens if your ioSafe Solo G3 drive fails? Well, thankfully, the device includes a year’s worth of protection (and $2,500!) for the rare need to recover lost data.

So even though it seems there really is no fail-proof way to protect your electronic data, using an external hard drive (preferably one that protects against fire and flood) may give you the best odds. After all, you never know when an accident can happen!

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